9 definitions by coolhandlehere69420

Person 1:For some reason when I copy and pasted "-.-- --- ..- .-. . --. .- -.--" into urban dictionary, it said "{"error":"An error occurred."}"
Person 2: Okay cool nerd.
by coolhandlehere69420 December 26, 2022
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A very buff black man on steroids with a 12 pack and a 2ft long schlong. Usually near 8ft tall and have chocolate milk flowing through their veins. If they go to planet fitness they’d get kicked out for bending the iron and snapping people’s necks. They also have one night stands with girls every night and giga niggas don’t have partners because their dicks are so long, They pierce their partners vagina during inter course.
Racist: Look at that buff ass nigga over there!
Giga nigga: *turns around*
Racist: *Shits boxers*
by coolhandlehere69420 December 30, 2022
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A woman that found out that red is then most attractive color and always wears red head to toe everyday. They were normal before hand and worn a variety of colors but they suddenly switched all their pallet to red in a desperate attempt to subtly seduce men. These hoes usually go the extra mile, looking up “How to be sexually attractive” “how to get a big butt” or “how to get bigger boobs” on google.
Melissa: *Wearing a red shirt, a red hoodie, a red bra, a red ribbon, red underwear, red socks, red shoes, red bracelets, red earrings, red earbuds, red iPhone case, red pants, red necklace, red purse, red makeup, red phone wallpaper, and red hair*
Guy: She’s such a hoe in red!
Guy 2: I bet she even has red Pubic hairs!
by coolhandlehere69420 December 30, 2022
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A gorgeous looking girl that you only encounter once. Usually at a party, however some party girls can come in the form of the drive thru speaker. They usually talk to you for a while and hang out with you, but you might only see some in the corner of a party. You can only encounter party girls once. You never get their Snapchat or instagram before they leave and you never ever see them again.. That’s why you always ask for socials.
Example 1:
Party girl: *walks up behind you* Hey!
Person: uhh hi?
Party girl: so you know about ____ and ____
Person: blah blah blah
Party girl: Okay have a nice day! Oh wait- let me give you my socials real qu- *vanishes*
Person: . . . Well she was nice.
Example 2:

Party girl: Welcome to hooters! You can order whenever you’re ready ^_^
Person: I’d like one burger please.
Party girl: Okay your total is 69.42
*cars are moving slow and person is still at speaker*
Party girl: . . So how are you doing?
Person: Good what about you?
Party girl: I’m okay, my cat had cancer…
Person: I’m sorry..-
*drive thru moves*
*Person moved up before they could talk more or ask for socials*
Person: god she was hot
by coolhandlehere69420 December 27, 2022
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I fucking hate "Special ed" Classes so much. Sure, it can help people with severe ADHD or autism or whatever, But for kids on the lighter side of the spectrum, It just seperates them from their peers, gets them bullied and teased, And just makes everything for easy for no reason!
I would slap my middle school Special education teacher so hard, She would wake up with severe ADHD, Autism and mental retardation.
by coolhandlehere69420 January 8, 2023
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1. A song I forgot the artist of
2. The most requested birthday wish.
Mom: hooray Nathan, you’re 9 now! What do you want for your birthday?
Nathan: all i want for my birthday is a big booty hoe

Mom: sorry, you can’t get that.
Nathan: *cries*
by coolhandlehere69420 December 27, 2022
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When your vagina is discharging weird stuff and you have to usually get an phone camera or a mirror and check if everything is alright down there. Used by OB/GYNs rarely.
*using restroom*
Mind: Wait why the hell and I discharging brown stuff?
*finishes using restroom*
*Grabs mirror*
Let’s take a look in there…
by coolhandlehere69420 December 30, 2022
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