10 definitions by coolbeans

an adjective to use when something tastes very delicious.

I had a chocolate fudge brownie today, and man, it was yummalifical.
by coolbeans May 21, 2008
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to make out, because when the mouths touch, and mwah mwah mwah there you go. the spit swaps from mouth to mouth. there you go. haha i said there you go already.

oh, that makes three.
Leslie: hey, look at those guys over there talking. they sure are hot, arent they, Ida?
Ida: yes Leslie, quite of the hot variety.
Leslie: oh, Ida, look, theyre getting closer to each other.
Ida: yes, i see that Leslie. wait, les....
Leslie: dont call me les, im straight. im checking out guys.
Ida: oh yeah sorry, anyway lesLIE, theyre getting a LOT closer.
Ida: hehe.
by coolbeans June 10, 2008
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a different way to say freakin/fuckin. its an adjective. fred on youtube uses it a lot.
Fred: Hey, it's Fred! And I'm really hackin' mad right now because Judy hasn't IMed me back all day!

by coolbeans June 14, 2008
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