12 definitions by coit105

Flytipping is a drunken activity that male humans wearing jeans participate in when the party atmosphere reaches the slow decline that happens after it peaks where one or more people have passed out and the rest are substantially drunk. Said males who are especially drunk and most likely randy will proceed to open and 'empty' the 'contents' of their zipfly onto the face of a person lying passed out on the floor. The lower orders also tend to call it dickslapping. This activity rarely turns sexual and in fact can be seen as rather irritating especially for those victims who are unlucky enough to be attacked by one who has recently been to pee and not wiped themselves clean. Most likely to occur when party is at said atmospheric condition and a game of spin the bottle is occuring.
Person 1: Dude what smells of pi..? OH MAN DID SOME FUCKER GO FLYTIPPING LAST NIGHT?
Person 2: Fuck I don't know I just remember being fucked off my head and randy as fuck
by coit105 August 24, 2010
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The win bin is widely regarded by some as the most fantastic place in all existence as it is where all forgotten comments/idealistic scenarios that were once described as being 'win' or used in the context as for the win end up and materialise into perceptual worlds. As such it is believed that if conventional religions such as Christianity, Islam etc. are replaced with new-age religions such as Wozomboism the afterlife will consist of all souls either spending all eternity in the win bin or the wank bank (an endless pit of semen representing all the sins of mankind the worst of which being the increasing amounts of discarded life, casual sex and masturbating, hence the semen).
person 1: omg these nachos are awesome
person 2: dude the only thing that would make this moment more awesome would be if star wars was originally made in 3D and we were watching them right now in an Imax multiplex in space all by ourselves
person 2: YEAH! *hi5 occurs*

one star wars trilogy later

person 1: dude you see that Imax in space idea we had earlier?
person 2: yeah?
person 1: don't you think we should write it down or something so we don't forget to do it in case we ever actually get to go into space?
person 2: dude chances are we won't but it won't matter if we do and we've forgotten because then it'll end up in the win bin!
by coit105 May 16, 2010
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A person who makes, a sometimes irrelevant, presumptuous argument inconsiderately of all related topics to said argument and with a sense of self importance that overshadows their ability to comprehend any variation of their own argument, let alone any overriding counter argument of any sort, as at all relevant. For this reason arrogance can be described as a form of delusion. Arrogance can often be confused with complacency. The two are very similar but never cross in any way shape or form for the simple reason that arrogance springs out of an argument that is presumptuous, naive and wrong whereas complacency comes out of an argument presented by an experienced individual who understands that, besides the occasional fluke, the underlying principle on which their argument is based is correct. All who refer to complacency as arrogance therefore are unable to accept any possibility that their own stance is incorrect and are therefore arrogant themselves. Arrogance has a common occurrence in bitching as it is sometimes used as a coping mechanism for people who are highly insecure and is rarely pointed out, to someone's face, by anyone who lacks a backbone.
person 1: Did you hear person 3 got herself knocked up at a party 3 months ago?
person 2: DUDE! Are you serious? Omg
person 1: IKR! Of all the people I know I didn't think person 3 would ever do something so irresponsible. As far as I'm concerned all people who're stupid enough to do something like that at our age don't think about how fucked they are going to be for the rest of their life until they get fucked.
person 2: Dude that is so arrogant like you said person 3's not always so irresponsible in fact she fucking aces every test, she's already tried and been fairly successful at living on her own, and she's now holding up a job that pays £70 a week. Stop being such a bitch about her you insecure prick.
by coit105 April 17, 2010
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A white person who routinely blames their problems on foreigners as a way of status signalling to other lower class whites.
Cleetus is such a cracker - he never misses an opportunity to bash foreigners to women at the dive bar.
by coit105 April 25, 2019
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The word boxers has 3 definitions.
1. A plural to the term boxer; a participant in the sport of boxing.
2. An alternative form of underwear to Y-fronts and/or briefs to which the third definition may also apply.
3. An adjective for a heterosexual girl or homosexual man, more commonly for the former, who has loose sexual inhibitions (commonly known as a slut). To refer to someone as 'boxers' is to imply they spend all their time either around the genital area of a man, or getting wet rolling around (or more likely rubbing up) alongside others like them. It is thought that this term was first used in this manner in a banterous pub conversation between a group of friends featuring such a woman.
person 1: shit man that dude looks fucked
person 2: I'd keep your voice down I hear him and his mates are ex boxers you don't want to get into trouble with them

person 1: *upon walking into bedroom having just showered* shit man mum's washed twice the number of socks this week but I've yet to see a single pair of clean boxers from her...
person 2: well dude if you're really desperate I have some to spare in my overnight bag
person 1: I think I'll go without thanks actually dude no offence but I've heard some rumours about you floating around school I won't say what but I just don't want to take the risk of getting crabs

person 1: dude did you hear what person 3 got up to last night?
person 2: no dude what?
person 1: well I heard she was grinding up against this random girl and then spent the night doing weird shit with like 4 or 5 guys...
person 2: dude I'm not surprised that girl is boxers
by coit105 May 17, 2010
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