1 definition by cman08

A once fantastic place where one could find the definition for that slang word that they pretended to know the meaning of earlier in the day.

But supposedly goodness is really just perverted evil, right?

The NEW Urbandictionary:

1. Annoying politics.

2. A place that has about as much "urban slang" as MTV has music, due to its slant towards a virtual internet debate about pointless crap.

3. A place where people rant about the war or slam Bush, while making their arguments weak with spelling mistakes and frivolous social references and stereotypes.

4. A display of the editors' bias for their own beliefs.

5. Proof of how closed-minded liberals can actually be.

6. Where immature douchebags have turned about 70% of the entries into crude sexual metaphors.

7. A haven for people "too cool" for conformity and want to shove it in the readers' faces.

8. Where idiots who only hear what they want to believe publish entries that others want to believe.

9. A disheartening reminder that this is the new generation of America.
Guy 1: "Hey, I dropped out of college, and I want to smoke pot and pursue a career in ROCK!!!"

Guy 2: "Cool! I didn't try in high school and now I live in my mom's basement and watch TV all day! Let's go to urbandictionary and talk about how much the government SUCKS!!!"

Guy 1: "I agree, today's culture has educated me through indie-rock music lyrics. Urbandictionary would be a great place to spread all of the insightful knowledge I've aquired."

Guy 2: "Yeah! I'm up for it night after night, sitting in your shitty apartment, educating young minds about how incredulously fulfilling my life is. I'm glad urbandictionary is a place where I can sound smart, as if I might never get the chance to share my thoughts with a real person!"
by cman08 January 29, 2008
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