4 definitions by clemstar

Insertion of the thumb into the anus with the other hand raised above the head in an over-arching style such as an ape might perform when walking upright. The trousers and underwear should be at least at half-mast to allow the insertion of the opposing digit, or preferably you should be completely naked, to make it a classic Mogilla Gorilla. Use of the "oo-oo-oo" sound adds greatly to the effect.
The girls at the party were really prudish, so I dropped the Magilla Gorilla right through the middle of the lounge room. That livened things up!
by clemstar October 6, 2007
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Someone, who without effort, makes a right proper useless waste of space of himself. Not annoying, just a useless twot.
When he died it was a relief to us all... the useless twot.
by clemstar February 27, 2009
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Bigger than a finger, smaller than a fist! Ergo: to clasp ones fingertips in a pointed fashion, with the fingers fully extended thereby creating the shape of a birds beak. eg Emu/Ostrich
A finger was not enough for her, and a fist was too much, so instead I pleasured her with THE BEAK.
by clemstar October 25, 2008
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A wet spot seen on the exterior of a man's trousers after he has urinated but not adequately shaken or wiped his penis, leading to an after-pee soiling of the nearby clothing. The size of the spot usually being reminiscent of a two-shilling, or "two-bob" coin used in pre-decimalised Australia and UK.
Hey Knackers, did you forget to give your cock a good shake after your snakes hiss? You've got a cracking two-bob spot on the front of your dacks there.
by clemstar November 10, 2015
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