36 definitions by clark

public slave, private sex slave of the petachus, personal submissive doll for abusive rapage and physical sexual pleasure of daniel zhang.
Dvv moans like a slut everytime daniel humps on top of him.
by clark January 21, 2004
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Comes from some random kids in a basement overly excited splurted out, WIKTAFF. Combination of Wicked and Awsome, it is a over joyed word to say when excited.
"that was super wiktaff"
(refering to a exciting time)
by clark October 28, 2004
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Shifty is a word used to denote the calibur of an item of person. Mad may be used to enhance shifty to its fullest extent.
What the crap?! That round of BulletTime Fighting was mad shifty.
by clark November 13, 2003
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A band who is really really over rated. Some songs are okay, but they're not that great. I'm tired of people telling me how influential they were. and I am not one of those linkin park fans either. I hate linkin park and modern rock, rap, hip hop, and other really bad music. I love Lynyrd Skynyrd, Led Zeppelin, Boston, AC/DC, BTO, Foreigner, etc, but the Beatles are over rated.
-"The beatles are the greatest band and greatly influenced modern music"
-"no, they aren't, shut up"
by clark January 30, 2005
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one really hot pop singer in kor/jap...
god she's hot.
by clark January 21, 2004
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A scientific experiment designed to see how many times people would buy the same song with a different title.

also, the crappiest band ever. I'm sure they have a loyal fan base of gay people. they follow me everywhere, ipod commercials, coke commercials, and they're even played on classic rock radio stations, ? , I wish they would just shut up.
by clark January 30, 2005
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"Player owned" Usually in reference to massivly-multiplayer online game when one player "owns" or beats another player. Used by azn's who say "kekekekee"
by clark November 16, 2003
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