1 definition by chumbur

The Best rap group ever, consisting of Ryebread, Pinan, Antimatter-Bonecrusher and D.J Mar Mar. Mar Mar drops sick beats while these cats twist tonges on intellectual subjects and create wicked rhymes.
"I can't stay within the lines or even hold a crayon right; pay no mind to road signs running every red light; you get frightened by wilderness, me I find it soothing; A man of improv stuck in a giant movie; My thumb is down, I get no substance from this town; somebody's givin them strings and they're all puppets now; Some get clowned because they're different; individualians pinned by this lame game syndicate; I'm into this thing called reality; where virtually every person on this earth baffles me; had the key to success snapped it off in the door knob; I'm happy in this mess and no I don't need your job; I break laws peacefully lots of beautiful nights; just to hear the man read my constitutional rights; roll the dice hope to find excitement in this board game; here's my 2 cents, maybe you can afford change. -Melodic Scribes (intro to "Society")\

by chumbur June 19, 2006
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