41 definitions by chuckybubbles

wednesday, being at the center of the work week. makes an ideal day for humping to break up the tedium of the week. people love to hump, and hump day is the second best part of the week for humping, the best part being the weekend.
i wish i could celebrate hump day accordingly, but i'm stuck with just my hand and a bottle of jerkens.
by chuckybubbles April 20, 2009
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to relax to the point of killing brain cells, thus becoming more of a vegetable.
i just haven't been relaxing enough lately, so i need to vegetate harder.
by chuckybubbles September 11, 2011
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someone who literally believes in the supernatural, in fantastical unrealistic things that belong in fantasy stories that fly in the face of modern scientific understanding. a person who ignores rational evidence of the way things actually are according to facts, and instead adheres to a worldview best left behind in the dark ages.
a religious person is a flat earther.
by chuckybubbles July 28, 2016
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the act, quality, art, or practice of being a complete piece of shit.
josh is such a jerk to everyone, going out of his way to make bad decisions in every way possible (including chronic smoke inhalation, yuck!) and taking every opportunity to screw over everyone, including himself. he must be trying out for his expert turdmanship badge!
by chuckybubbles April 5, 2009
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a huge load of shit crapped into your pants, usually by accident
Based on the look of his face, I think that Brian Johnson of AC/DC was singing "TNT" so hard that he dropped a power load in his shorts!
by chuckybubbles December 30, 2010
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clothing worn to bed, thus preventing sexual intercourse
dammit, take off those pajamas! bitch, i just can't hump through all those barrier contraceptives!
by chuckybubbles January 20, 2009
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