6 definitions by chipf70

A way to say shit when you can't openly swear.
Bill, did you forget to turn in your TPS report? So Happy It's Thursday! I forgot.
by chipf70 January 30, 2011
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A more appropriate name for Columbia, Maryland. A boring pre planned city in Howard County, Maryland with an oppressive police department littered by the sprawl of cookie cutter homes and soccer mom's in SUV's, pushing $1000 strollers and popping pain killers and sedatives while sucking down their lattes.
It's too bad Phil lives in Scumlumbia, he's really cool but that town sucks!
by chipf70 March 13, 2011
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Incarserated, locked up in jail or prison, slammer
Where is Tom? I haven't seen him in quite a while.

He sold a bag of weed to a cop and now he is living in a gated community
by chipf70 September 15, 2012
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Slamming a bottle of Robotussin to get high. Very often done by people who can't get real drugs or are just hard up to get ill.
Dude, those trailer park kids are crazy, they tried to turn me on to robodosing.
by chipf70 April 6, 2011
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Drop dead, die, cease to live. Used in a derogatory way directed at someone you don't like.
You're such a douche bag, why don't you just walk into the light already!
by chipf70 September 15, 2012
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