7 definitions by celesguy1

The act of purposefully not having any social media/directory/people search accounts so that a search for that person will reveal no results. This renders them untraceable and uncommunicatable by any means other than by personally knowing the person outside of the internet.
So many people have social media accounts nowadays that being internet invisible is now the new cool thing.
by celesguy1 April 17, 2016
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Kate's accent is very sexy and she has a nice set of britties.
by celesguy1 July 23, 2015
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A female with blonde hair who is notably intelligent. This word roots from a combination of the words "smart" and "blonde."
What is that blonde haired girl doing in multivariate calculus? She must be a smonde.
by celesguy1 February 18, 2010
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A. A Penis.

B. A weapon used to either defend ones self from or to inflict harm to a female.

C. A female bat (flying mammal).
A. I'm going to whip out my bitch bat and screw her brains out.

B. I had to run after her with my bitch bat because she was going for my knife.

C. That's not a dude bat, that's a bitch bat.
by celesguy1 May 8, 2007
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n. A woman from the midwest who's skinny until she reaches her early 20's, then becomes overweight or obese.
I dated that girl when she was 19, but now she's a corn husky.
by celesguy1 November 13, 2011
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Occurs when having sex for an extended period of time, vigorously, or with a woman with pubic stubble. Friction from the rubbing of the skin between the penis and labia majora will cause a rash to be produced. Symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, and sensitivity usually on one or both lateral sides of the penis in a line extending from the base to the tip. More severe rashes will usually develop a slight darkened scabbing within 12 - 24 hours from intercourse and heal within 3 - 7 days without treatment. To reduce symptoms it is recommended for the men to refrain from sex and masturbation, wear loose-fitting cotton underwear, take ibuprofin as needed for pain, and use a condom with future encounters. For the woman to help prevent future occurrences with men, shave cleanly before and use lubricant during intercourse.
Man I hit that pussy so hard last night that I got a horrible case of penis burn today.
by celesguy1 December 5, 2010
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When a person or animal passes gas when one's buttocks is in direct contact with the furniture where one is sitting so as to make the smell of the flatulence stay in the furniture after one leaves the scene. As a practical joke, this is sometimes followed by someone else sitting in the same spot moments later, only to push the foul smelling flatulence back out into the air where one can breathe.
Person #1: Why is James flailing his hands in front of his face?

Person #2: Because I just gave that couch a stink injection.

(high fives)

Person #1: Good one Bro!
by celesguy1 July 15, 2011
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