29 definitions by caz

A scottish guy with brown hair, blue eyes that drives a VW Golf called Alex. Also known as bampot or Toaley head and calls his chicks 'Moistie'. ........hmmmn nice!
"Come here and look at this wonderful vista Cheucter, but first let me pop some garlic in me gob first before I snog ya!"
by caz November 18, 2003
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A silly bitch that lives in a trailer & drives a $200 car and thinks she is the shit. But when you break it down,that Ho lives in a tin can driving a 1986 chevette on fake ass dubs !
That my friends is a Tranksta !
you might be a transksta if your house has better wheels than your car.
by caz December 9, 2003
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Pontius Pilate... Somebody who allows something to happen that they could have prevented. Then they reap the benefits.

Somebody who defers responsibility for actions to somebody else and then reaps the benefits. Read the example, it makes more sense.
A: "So-and-so is going to get fired unless you say something!"
B: "That's not my responsibility"
A: "Good attitude, Pontius."
by caz July 25, 2004
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mpft is a word i say when i am lost for words
what on mpft are you doing
by caz August 12, 2004
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Somebody who pretends they smoke, or have smoked marijuana.
The floker smoked the join backwards.
by caz March 22, 2003
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To Blamm someone is to prove them wrong, and at the same time, humiliate them.
Jon-o: Hah! I bet you can't even get past Fred!
Caz: Smashes through everyone Blammed!
by caz May 4, 2004
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commanly known as dumbfuck. The word that is known throughout the ned lanuage ( where i come from anyway).
" You've chibbed him in the wrong place! Dobber! "
by caz October 12, 2003
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