27 definitions by catchingfire3

Pepe Le Pew but he is part inverted Jeep
I am Pepe Le Peej, Mademoiselle. And i would like to take you dirt riding
by catchingfire3 August 3, 2019
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Pronounced gone-a-herp-a-sif-a-lis
Gonorrhea herpes and syphilis gotten from an unprotected orgy
Dude, I think I got Gonoherpesyphilis from that orgy
by catchingfire3 October 3, 2018
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1. To slap someone with Twizzlers
2. To shove a Twizzlers™ up someone
1. My dad hit me with a bag of Twizzlers™!

Did your dad really twizzle you?! Thats gross!!
2. I'm gonna Twizzle you so hard
by catchingfire3 December 22, 2019
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A BDSM sex move where (during intercourse) you finish in her and take a poop in your hand, smack her with it and ditch her without untying her. Preferably because you hate them.
I met a guy last night and when we were getting naughty he came in me and performed a slap happy crappy. I never felt so embarrassed when my roommate came in
by catchingfire3 March 2, 2021
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GFY means go fuck yourself. This means that you're an idiot if you say yourself after GFY. Even worse is when you say Go GFY yourself.
GFY yourself bitch!
by catchingfire3 June 2, 2018
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The studies of stupid people. not to be confused with twatology or twatonomy
This is a smart man for he has a master's degree in twatocology
by catchingfire3 June 19, 2020
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What old people call EDM because they don't understand it means Electro Dance Music.
Did you hear that new EDM music album?
by catchingfire3 June 2, 2018
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