8 definitions by cassius$

a man who likes objects in the ass, not necessarily, but most likely a homosexual.
that Aaron says he's straight, but boy is he a pipefitter
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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slang for some really seedy, nasty, sometimes moldy often brown or grey weed. comes in pressed bricks. not what you want, better suited for doormats and rope. what you want is dank
i bought an ounce of schwu and got 20 grams of seeds.
"you want 300 bucks for that schwu??!!
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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some really pendulous, nasty titties; very droopy, often with the infamous double-cleave. not unlike the tribal girls in the National Geographic.
that bitch didn't have 36D's, she had 36 Longs
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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a simpleton, or any prick that thinks they know everything; a dumbass see chode, wad-pilot, dumbfuck
the tweedle fuck kept telling me, "potato chips have salt on them"
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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short for cunt loser, basically a referance to any female who generally tends to grate on your nerves. also a hand sign, formed by making a "c" with the thumb and curved index fingers on the right hand, with a simultaneous "L" made with a perpendicular index finger to extended thumb of the left hand. It is always best to use the gesture with the expression. use with gusto.
My Aunt Jean is a CL, and boy does it show.
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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A jack-off, A person who greatly desires a wad and steers themselves towards it like a 747 being piloted towards a runway. Also, a person consumed by the trivialities of life, not unlike a chronic masturbator.
"I hate Moose, he's such a fucking wad-pilot for stealing all of my dvds and skipping out on rent"
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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A man said to prey upon as many younger women as humanly able; a regular fuck machine.
Mick Jagger, most frat boys (TKE in particular), and Bill Clinton are al really great examples of a hose machine.
by cassius$ July 19, 2006
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