16 definitions by carson

1. The lip of your sphyncter.
2. A good name to call someone.
How's your poop lip?
Your a big old poop lip.
by carson December 6, 2004
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To be extremely good or cool, amost at a godly level of cool.
1.(verb) Damn, this shit is bombass
2.(noun) Thats a bombass album
by carson March 1, 2004
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An undescribable structure in shape, size, and proportion.
Person 1: "Hey! Look at that odd looking structure."
Person 2: "Oh chode monkey, don't ya know, thats an ooblyatta."

Person 1: "Mommy mommy I cut my poop lip on the ooblyatta."
by carson December 7, 2004
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1.A word akin to blarg meaning annoyance.

2. The proverbial gift of gab, as shown by the ancient celtics.
1. Blarney, I forgot to do that domn homework.
by carson November 2, 2004
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No form of government will ever work completely without compassion. If everyone loved each other then it wouldn't matter what form of government we had. Peace.
by carson March 15, 2004
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An interjection that is used when done with a reminecint story, the story can be good or bad, if bad you might be associated with a wiseass.
person 1 a.k.a. mike:remember that time tim's grandma died?
person 2 a.k.a. jim: yeah, good times.
by carson December 18, 2004
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for use in vulgar sentences and to ridicule other people
"I put ma baws in ur maws jaws"
by carson December 9, 2003
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