5 definitions by carafa0123

Adrian: *laughs* I was trolling you, thanks for the attention XD
Xavier: Dont feed the troll, Jay. Next time, when Adrian says something like that, think about if he's trolling or being serious.
by carafa0123 May 2, 2016
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A person who came from the same parents as you, it can be a girl or a boy, older or younger, it doesn't matter. They're like your best friends, but at the same time, they are obnoxious assholes whose purpose is to ruin your life. Younger siblings tend to be spoiled brats that constantly annoy you, but older siblings tend to make you feel like shit.

But you still love them ;)
Me: May i please have the laptop?
My brother: No
Me: Why? I need to do my homework on there!
My brother: Fuck off, i'm playing CS:GO
Me: Ugh, siblings are a pain in the ass... But i still love you anyways ^_^
by carafa0123 July 16, 2016
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Said either when you're doing fine, or don't care about what a person is saying.
Jimmy: Hi Monroe! How are you doing?
Monroe: I'm doing ok, Jimmy

Some Random Stranger: Tomorrow is my birthday!
Ella: Uhh... Ok...
by carafa0123 August 3, 2016
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1. Not bad, nor good, middling.
2. A polite way of saying "I don't care
EX 1:

Jimmy: Hey Ted! What do you think of my drawing?
Ted: It's Ok

EX 2:

Sophie: It's my birthday tomorrow!
Skylar: Ok
by carafa0123 October 13, 2016
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People, mainly young kids/teens who try so hard to be cool and badass to the point it becomes cringeworthy.
Penelope: Hey Oriana, I just chopped off someone's head while listening to This Means War by Avenged Sevenfold!

Oriana: Edgy.
by carafa0123 February 6, 2017
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