12 definitions by canonlibel

The correct way to pronounce "glottal" is with a glottal stop. That way it's practically onomatopoeia.
A: "What's a glot'al stop, anyway?"
B: "You just made one."
by canonlibel February 17, 2010
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"Happy Holidays!" is not a politically correct way of waging War on Christmas. Absolutely not. It's an abbreviation. A time-saver. In the words of John Stewart, "Now I suppose you could say have a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, but you probably have SHIT TO DO."
"Oh, hey! Gotta' run or I'll miss my bus. Happy holidays!"
by canonlibel December 28, 2009
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When you like someone who doesn't like you. ('Like' in the non-weird way.)
Failure: "My life is filled with unrequited like."
Snarker: "I wonder what the common denominator could be?"
by canonlibel February 26, 2010
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Used at the beginning of emails, IMs, text messages, etc. when you are sending identical messages through different channels. It's a polite way of noting that you're trying to get in touch with someone any way possible.
John receives a text message, "Call me!" and then a Facebook message: "Echo: Call me!"
by canonlibel February 17, 2010
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A cover version of a cover version. When song C is clearly an uninspired version of song B which may or may not be an unspired version of song A.

In some people's book, a sin.
A: "Dude, your playlist is entirely made up of lame ass cover-covers of that old Tears for Fears song. Are you trying for emo kid of the year or what?"

B: "What are you talking about?!? Donnie Darko is awesome!"
by canonlibel February 23, 2010
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Vocals recorded from large crowds, usually at sports events.
That stadium chant song you always hear is Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation!
by canonlibel June 12, 2014
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Synonymous with electronic ink displays used in e-readers like the Kindle or Nook but easier to pronounce.
I'm happy to hear that pixel paper is getting cheaper! Maybe I can afford an e-reader!
by canonlibel July 30, 2010
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