54 definitions by caitlin

To suddenly give a long speech that usually results in rambling and repeating of nonsence.
I shall now tell you how awful rants are, they are the bain of humans. If rants were plentiful humans would become extinct! Extinct I say!! Humans also need to pick cherries with automated cherry pickers as this results in more plentiful harvests resulting in more people whos brains have been nourished by cherries and intelligent cherry nourished people are less likely to rant than those raised on blueberry farms, because they are subjected to blueberry fumes, and they are toxic, like non-toxic glue. Made of horse hooves. Horses can also help prevent rants as you cannot rant while riding a horse and you can't ride a horse if there aren't horses because they have all been made into non-toxic glue. Do you understand rants now?
by caitlin April 1, 2005
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noun. the paper bag from your beer that you keep it wrapped in to keep it cold.
You still got the ghetto wrap on that 40?
by caitlin February 26, 2005
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Another word for a women's vagina.
Sexually (eating out)
Steve likes to smoke the pink cigar.
Erin likes to smoke the pink cigarette.
by caitlin August 12, 2004
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as in 90 mph, refering to anything that is going fast.
I need to take a piss like 90.
by caitlin February 26, 2005
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