54 definitions by caitlin

Shortay4You: Man that party was a lalopalooza...
SmartAss: Dude, your stupid. Its Lollapalooza.
Shortay4You: Shut up! I didnt spell it that wrong dick wad!
by caitlin May 10, 2004
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Stands for Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg

Almost never used, too long! Most people use LMAO or LOL instead.
by caitlin January 27, 2005
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See coolio. It's meaning is the same of coolio, but this one is usually only used when something is EXTRA cool.
"Man, that lion just ate a LLAMA! Coolioolio yo!"
by caitlin March 29, 2005
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1. the act of shlepping
2. walking while frumping
3. walking in a tired, dragging motion
4. laying around
5. anything else that floats ur boat
"Michele was so tired, she just shlept around the house"
by caitlin March 11, 2003
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a word you can call someone in this fantastically confusing complement that is acctually a diss.
congradulations you're smarter than the average block!
by caitlin August 31, 2004
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1. A girl who is so hot and is know for being a insta baddie and a hoe
2. Most commonly found in short dresses with lots of makeup and is always going out
by caitlin June 28, 2020
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biggest pimp in the entire world, ladies man, rico suave, nicest guy ever, my lover.
Whoa look at all those girls! Sayeed must be around here somewhere.
by caitlin November 10, 2004
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