18 definitions by cactuscat

Implausibly large sprout. Quite scary.
That cabbage is looking at me, please make it stop.
by cactuscat September 15, 2006
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Formerly known as getting drunk/hammered/bladdered/legless etc etc. The media's precise reason for their re-branding of this age-old practice remains unclear.
Newspaper headline: Binge drinking on the increase in under 30s.
by cactuscat September 15, 2006
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The white gluey stuff you used to use in 'arts and crafts' at primary school. No good for sniffing, very good for sticking bog roll tubes onto washing-up liquid bottles (remember to empty them first and get your mum's permission, not your dad's, it has to be your mum's). Probably not still available, like free milk at breaktime and golden nuggets.
teacher: let's make a spaceship by sticking all this rubbish together with marvin medium.
pupil: let's humour the silly cow.
other pupils: like we have a choice.
by cactuscat September 17, 2006
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Boxer shorts, y-fronts or briefs. Rhyming slang: Bill Grundies = undies. Used specifically for male lower underwear, never female lingerie. Bill Grundy was a famous British television presenter, mostly on news-magazine programmes.
I need some new bills, these are full of holes.
by cactuscat September 15, 2006
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Sub-genre of popular music characterised by a regular beat and the use of melodic and harmonic strains derived largely from the blues and country music. Originally, in the 1950s, it fell into one of two categories - Rock 'N' Roll (rhythm and blues tailored for a white audience) or Rockabilly (similar but with the country/hillbilly influence to the fore.) Before long new variations of the form began to emerge and, considered as a whole, have been the dominant kind of popular music up to the present time.
If it's nu-alterna-punk-emo-indie music...why does it sound like rock?
by cactuscat September 15, 2006
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When someone chats up a person he or she doesn't really find attractive just for something to do he or she is said to be dog-flirting.
I didn't fancy her, I was just dog-flirting.
by cactuscat September 15, 2006
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Immigrant to the United Kingdom from Chavonia. Due to the usual socio-political factors that determine one's class/employment/housing/education etc etc, Chavs tend to be at the lowest level in these areas and are therefore victimised in the media and by those who need someone to look down on. Interestingly, to cover up the obvious bigotry of Chav-hating the country of Chavonia has been removed from the world map and people now pretend that it doesn't exist and that the Chav is merely a British person who affects the demeanour of someone born into an underclass, and could therefore speak like a middle-class person, get a job in graphic-design and join the local golf club, should he or she so desire. The commonly held belief that Chavs are naturally violent is something of a misconception - it's true that they sometimes give goffs/moshers/emos and other fashion victims a bit of a kicking but usually they perform this service quite reluctantly for up to ten or fifteen pounds.
He's a chav you say? That tells me very little about him, but quite a lot about you.
by cactuscat September 14, 2006
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