2 definitions by cBreezy91

The “r” Word

Some people have mental retardation (intellectual disabilities). While mental retardation is not a bad word, when used to describe someone or something you think is bad or stupid it becomes another thoughtless hurtful word. People with intellectual disabilities are not bad. Their condition is not bad. The prejudice and discrimination to people with intellectual disabilities is BAD…and WRONG! Please stop using the word ‘retard’. It hurts individuals and families of those with disabilities.
Dude, your r*******...

Bro, Not cool.. You gotta Spread the word to stop the word.
by cBreezy91 March 3, 2010
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A term meaning Delicious and/or Awesome.

Came from the food, Frisco Melt from Steak and Shake.
Dude! in Call of Duty i kick some major ass!

Bro, Thats frisco! I did too!
by cBreezy91 March 3, 2010
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