312 definitions by but for

The way a human feels when his or her body is able to shit.
Individuals are not always sufficiently relaxed to take a shit ( to have a bowel movement ), they are not always in the shitting mode. When something or someone frightens a person, they enter the flight or fight mode and their body will not want to or be able to get rid of the solid waste until they have relaxed sufficiently to do so. Being relaxed is the key to being in the shitting mode. Hey, that calls to mind the fucking mode, the farting mode, the whatever mode, the thinking mode. Each mode is strictly dependent on a specific set of conditions.
by but for February 5, 2018
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The insane or insane-like urge to fuck.
I remember feeling such a strong urge and need to fuck my woman that looking back on it I realize I was in a condition which could be correctly described as temporary insanity. In that condition nothing else mattered as much as fucking her. I call that condition "temporary insanity sex urge."
by but for February 26, 2018
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The insane or insane-like urge to fuck.
I remember feeling such a strong urge and need to fuck my woman that looking back on it I realize I was in a condition which could be correctly described as temporary insanity. I say that because I remember that in that condition nothing else mattered as much as fucking her. I also remember one evening when I was in our car and the urge I felt to fuck her overrode the urge to eat, and I remember telling her that. I call that condition "temporary insanity sex urge."
by but for February 26, 2018
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This new field studies the pleasures human beings feel and searches for ways to feel more pleasure, more often, and for longer periods of time.
We live to feel pleasure. There are different types of pleasure. Some are intense than others. Some last longer. Some are easier to come by. Pleasure Science studies pleasure to find ways to feel more pleasure, more often, and for longer periods of time.
by but for January 10, 2018
Pleasure science studies the pleasures individuals feel and searches for ways they can feel more pleasure, longer, and more often.
The fundamental purpose of life is to feel pleasure. Some pleasures are more intense, some last longer, some are easier to feel. Pleasure Science searches for ways for humans to feel more pleasure, more often, and for longer periods of time.
by but for January 12, 2018
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Typing one's thoughts as one thinks them. When thought typing, the writer sends his thoughts from his soul and brain via his nerves to his fingertips which merge with the keyboard's keys which are connected to the computer and display the words he thinks and types on the screen.
'Thought typing’ transcribes one's thoughts to a computer screen. 'Thought writing' transcribes one's thoughts onto a piece of paper.

'Thought writing' and 'thought typing' are not the same as writing. Writing asks the brain to articulate a thought or emotion one feels and writes down the clause or sentences the brain has articulated.
by but for December 16, 2017
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