312 definitions by but for

To persuade a girl to let a man have sex with her, then sometime later—for some reason—leave her, thus intentionally or unintentionally indirectly forcing her to find another male and eventually other men to have sex with. To not whorize a girl a male can foresee what he would be doing by persuading her to have sex with him, knowing that sooner or later he would leave her and force her to become a slut.
The very handsome man decided to not even start seeing the girl who he thought flirted with him a few days ago, because believing she was a virgin, and knowing they would start soon start engaging in sexual intercourse, because he was planning to relocate to another city at the end of the summer, he foresaw that after he left she would probably find a different man to satisfy the habit of having sex and start jumping from man to man because she had been whorized.
by but for August 5, 2017
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A person, place, or thing which activates an emotion.
Her lucious, healthy, and in that situation perfect legs triggered my sex urge. Her encouraging my appreciating her and her legs were an emotrigger.
by but for October 4, 2018
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The close to infallible method which cures colds by drinking fresh lemon juice (from 5 to 10 lemons) with a straw.
In a book called "Las Plantas Curan," published in the 1960s in Brazil, which listed the most popular herbs and the illnesses they cure, I read about the 'lemon cure.' Whenever I catch a cold, via a straw I drink the juice from 5 to 10 lemons and they cure me every time. However, one time I did have to go to the doctor and she gave me some antibiotics because I had a fever, in the summer—imagine!
by but for December 24, 2017
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The expression which debunks saying that something is "fortunate" or "unfortunate", because they do not specify who benefits or looses as a consequence of an event or outcome.
"Fortunate" and "unfortunate" are now debunked and archaic words. They are being replaced by "good for but bad for".

Because saying that a thing is " fortunate " or " unfortunate " does not specify who benefits and who looses. Thus, it's best to, for example, say, " It's good for A but bad for B that ____________________ ( a specific thing happenend ) " .
by but for October 9, 2018
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One who advocates practicing concision when articulating feelings, thinking, analyzing, speaking, or writing.
"Concisionist" implies that there are concisionists—individuals who practice and advocate concision when feeling, thinking, analyzing, speaking, or writing, and non-concisionist, those who do not practice concision, and anti-concisionists, those who advocate communicating unconcisely, usually to prevent audiences from learning to communicate concisely and in the process getting smarter. Concisionism is the name for the ideology which advocates concise thought, analysis, speech, and/or writing.
by but for September 9, 2018
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Telling others what is and what is not, what is good and what is bad, who is good and who is bad, what foods to eat or not eat, what things to do, or not do. A key function of religions, governments, media, schools, and corporations—the five institutions which pilot society and its members like drones.
The prosecuting attorney told the members of the jury in Federal Truth Court, "In collusion, society's five most powerful institutions make countless false statements which flip most things around to their advantage and allow them to pilot society and its members as if they were drones (2016). That constitutes"reality imposition."
by but for February 15, 2018
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A medical procedure which will—if and when it becomes reality—allow patients to modify and logically upgrade their genes to eliminate certain genetic problems, diseases, increase their intelligence, physical height; change the color of their hair, eyes, skin; increase or decrease the size of certain body part(s); and bring about other specific changes.
Marsha underwent a DNA upgrade, and in about 7-years, when her body has accepting her entire DNA upgrade she will be 5-inches taller. As of today she will be growing a tiny bit each day. It remains to be seen if all or only some children of DNA upgrade patients inherit their parent's upgraded DNA.
by but for May 20, 2018
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