4 definitions by bush

Mike Rowe from Canada has a small dick, I should know
Hey, aren't you the guy who got sued by Microsoft? You have a small dick!
by bush December 29, 2005
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The product of deficating in a toilet while simultaneously eating a meal
Person 1) Dude; are you minecrafting?
Person 2) I was trying to push that turd so hard that I worked up an appetite and by the time I finished my burger I finally had a successful bowel movement.
by bush February 15, 2023
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The product of defecating in a toilet while simultaneously eating a meal.
Dude; are you Minecraft right now?

Yes I had to shit really bad but I was also hungry
by bush February 15, 2023
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A weapon the united states has a lot of but likes to pretend other countries do when clearly they are too poor to.
by bush September 8, 2003
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