16 definitions by bumerhoomorr34

While it formally has to involve an offensive topic, it is expanded upon people who try way too hard to make something land, but based upon the reaction of the audience, they'll say it's a joke as their form of copium to make up for their lack of spanking they received in their childhood.
Person 1: iT's A jOk lOlOlOl
Person 2: bruh, sniff more copium n quit bein a Schrödinger's Douchebag
Person 1: fuk u, sussy baka
Person 2: ngl, thats kinda cringe
by bumerhoomorr34 June 20, 2021
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It's what popmafioso1 is. I mean really, look at their projecting definition of the word and you try telling yourself that's not a voteflake typing that bologna.
popmafioso1: Anyone who protests the results of the 2020 US Presidential Election without any proof or eviden-

intellectual: found the voteflake, lmao
by bumerhoomorr34 December 21, 2020
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It really can be anyone who has a mind not very commonplace at all. It can be groups of people who have an opinion so very rarely uttered, a group with IQs exceeding average levels, the rich folk who have enough wealth to influence our country, people who say words that the majority won't even understand or don't make any sort of sense, or even people who simply just have a mind of their own.

While granted this is not necessarily a bad thing all the time, it can be if you happen to be unintelligible, or just plain uncharismatic in general.
Person 1: I think livestreaming is the most stupid career to even take part of.
Person 2: You must be a one percenter...I agree however. Let me turn that to a two percent for ya dude.
by bumerhoomorr34 August 5, 2019
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Basically your typical reddit/4chan shitposter. The kind of person who still types lenny faces on Team Fortress, dabs on Fortnite or teabags on Battlefield.

These people tend to follow what is trendy like tools and say forced memes that have no context or even anything that would make them remotely funny. But they'll do it anyway like the sellouts they are, to fit in with the "cool" crowd. Normies tend to not know what a normie is or deny that they are a normie themselves, like any egotistical hypocrite would do with a superiority complex .

They'll call non-normies retarded, faggots or autistic just to compensate that they themselves are what they have said and just sound more obnoxious, low-functioning autistic, and idiotic the more they do it. They'll spam trendy shitposts, forced memes, political banter, news reports relating to disasters or fast food shortages, and gifs of real people from movies/shows that nobody with a brain or a sense of self-thinking would have an interest in, just to piss others off and not trying to be funny.

They refuse to think for themselves, or else they would be classified as the "uncool" and their fragile ego and low amount of willpower can't accept that. Non-normies are gifted with being able to think for themselves and are capable of more advanced jokes/memes that the major crowd would either glance at or laugh without knowing how it's funny, the poor souls.
Normie: *dabs*
Non-normie: Do you not realize how stupid you look doing that?
Normie: lolololo u mad?
Non-normie: Dumb normie.
Normie: no u
by bumerhoomorr34 January 22, 2019
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The opposite of a geek. Someone you don't want to be since they often don't follow the rule of K.I.S.S .

"If you can't explain it, you don't know it well enough." ~Albert Einstein
Nerd: *overexplains something that could be shortened easily, or says a subtle insult/joke that only 1% will get and 99% will just say "what" and laugh at the nerd trying so hard to make sense or be taken seriously*

Geek: Nerd. Keep It Simple Stupid.
by bumerhoomorr34 March 9, 2021
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When your hatred towards someone or something is so much and so obsessive, it's rather suggestive and often times freaky and unhealthy.
Person 1: I fucking hate your guts dude!
Person 2: ...bruh, get over your hate boner already. It's been a full year.
by bumerhoomorr34 January 27, 2021
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When your hatred for someone is so high and you feel compelled to express it so frequently, it starts to become suggestive and borderline awkward. It is especially weird if it's over such a trivial reason as well and you do nothing but express your hate for the person every time they're around or even thought of.
Hate erected manchild: bruh, i srsly hate ur guts, jus fuk off!
Normal man: da fuq? wut did i even do to u?
Hate erected manchild: u no exactly wut u did, fgt!
Normal man: no i dont lol, calm ur hate boner
by bumerhoomorr34 June 10, 2021
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