10 definitions by bumarse

A discipline where the contestant tries to poop as far as possible.
To make a poop, the competitor starts in a slightly recessed concrete-surfaced circle of 2.5 meters (8 feet 2½ inches) diameter. The pooper typically takes an initial stance facing away from the direction of the poop.
He then spins around one and a half times through the circle to build momentum, then releases his poop.
During the final phase the athlete may begin to release a fart to further accelerate the poop as well as to create an air cushion effect.
Ooouuhhh, that one looks good. Awesome. He olympic pooped across half the field. That must be at least silver. Olympic Pooping at it's finest, ladies and gentlemen!
by bumarse October 25, 2009
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Meaning that it is of no use to dwell on what should have (shoulda), could have (coulda) or would have (woulda) happened/been done.
Said as an attempt to shorten a discussion that focusses on the past, thus providing no solution to an actual problem.
"Man, if only I didn't cum straight in the air, I wouldnt have jizz on my mullet now."
"Shoulda coulda woulda. There are more important things than that. There is more to life than the jizz on your mullet. You're still young, someday you will wash your hair and the jizz will be gone, but your mullet will last forever."
by bumarse October 17, 2009
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Neazy = nizzle = nigga, nigger.
Fo sheazy ma neazy.
by bumarse November 8, 2009
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