28 definitions by bullet88

Individuals, usually men, that have a particularly propensity to control every aspect of a family's life. Nothing can occur in the family inviroment unless it is approved by the Inspector Senior (usually the patriarch). Nothing even remotely minor or benige can start without prior approval, and those who do will be chastized severely. There is always one specific method that any work can be done, weather it is sweeping the floor, or washing a car, and unless you adhere to the Inspector Seniors instructions, you are in trouble. These people are members of the Anal Society. They are most often accountants and architects.
The day after we moved in our new house, my mother and I began hanging pictures on the walls, and when my father got home from the hardware store he made us take them all down. He then made us take graft paper and plot all locations using a protractor and then we had to use anchor screws even though we had sheetrock walls and nothing weighed more than ten pounds. Dad is president of the Anal Society.
by bullet88 May 26, 2009
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When I saw Matthew coming out of Troopers, the gay bar, draging an effete young thing on Friday, and then saw him hustling Melisa on Saturday night, pinning her in between the pinball machines, I knew the rumours of Matthew being a bull fruit, willing to screw anything, where true
by bullet88 July 18, 2009
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Sunday afternoon bicycle ride to a number of local pubs for a pint or two at each. Starting at home, looping around a section of the city stopping at your favorite pubs heading back home hopefully intact.
On Sunday afternoon's if the weather is decent we'll ride from home and go downtown along the river for a pint at a couple of pubs, and loop around the city through midtown at a few more palces until we arive home with a nice buzz. It is a pleasant beer loop.
by bullet88 May 29, 2009
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A palinista is a severe loyalist who still supports the failed 2008 VP candidate, denying all evidence and logic that she was a complete fool and humiliating disaster. They are mostly evangelical supporters of creationism and refuse all proven scientific knowledge. Their philosophy is "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is already made up".
When my father parroted the FOX Noise line that Grandpa John hit a home run in the selection of the VP for the 2008 republican presidential election, I told him that he hit a weak grounder right to the first baseman, and he refused to talk to me for a month. He will be a palinista until the day he dies.
by bullet88 August 2, 2009
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a person that talks constantly without saying anything. This person does not have conversations with others, and is not at all concerned about anyone elses situation, they are only interested in hearing there own voice.
Our sister Carol came over today and talked nonstop, never asked a question, interupted us everytime we attempted to talked, and changed the subject to herself anytime someone else tried to speak. She is nothing but a transmitter
by bullet88 April 1, 2009
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Supporters of the daranged congresswoman from Minnesota's sixth district.
It is amazing that there are enough bachmannoids in Minnesota's sixth district to re-elect an obviously dangerous rightwing nutjob.
by bullet88 August 25, 2009
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cheap jewelry left in your home after a one night stand
my costume cache consists of dozens of single earrings, broken necklaces, swatch watches, crappy bracelets and other trinklets left on my nightstand or on the floor and stored in a cigar box after a night of meanless debauchery from some women picked up at a bar.
by bullet88 September 28, 2010
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