87 definitions by bubba

dollars; specifically 100 dolars
by bubba January 23, 2004
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A guy who has venereal disease which has caused a serious infection on his penis that oozes puss.
That freakin' hippie is a cheesedick, so you had better stay away from him.
by bubba May 10, 2003
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Adj. Superlative descriptor usually used alone as an exclaimation of supreme appreciation.

See also tits
Check out that hummer dude. Puss!
by bubba May 5, 2004
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a gay ass camera phone made by LG that was cool back in 9th grade when it came out but is oversold and is now really gay.
Dude 1: Dude is that a VX6000?
Dude 2: Yeah man.
Dude 1: Dude, you're such a tool.
by bubba April 4, 2006
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A type of Chav found in Rushden. Conversation topics are limited to turbo's and 'baggsying'. Rumoured to use a local currency called 'Stones'.
I'd be in trouble if I was more specific.
by bubba October 18, 2004
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Good at writing wierd stories. Enjoys taking advantage of her friend Samantha F's locker and DDR.
"Once upon a time there was mountain, and he liked to danced. He would dance all the time while the hills around him sang for him. His name was Billy."
-Taken from one of Critina's stories.
by bubba February 23, 2005
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