41 definitions by bt

(coming from "most definently")...meaning you strongly agree with someone else offer
Yo id rip that girl wide open...

Oh most def...most def
by bt June 21, 2005
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The act of letting a fart and then calmlywalking around the room to make sure everyone gets a taste of your ass.
I think that guy just got butt fucked. He let a trailblazer andit stunk like burning rubber!
by bt March 13, 2003
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1. The most fantastic boner you have ever popped.

2. The coolest thing you have ever seen.
1. After the ninja popped the biggest boner he had ever seen, bigger than the biggest, blackest boner, he wailed on his guitar and said "That was fucking bonerific"

2. YO, I was choking off the other night and I hit my fucking ceiling. It was boooooonerrrrrifiic!
by bt March 13, 2003
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The idiots that coded slashcode, used to run things like slashdot, randomly insert spaces into freetext urls so they can be wordwrapped. This leads to all sorts of unneccessary problems.

Just another minor annoyance brought to you by those idots at slashdot.
For that URL to work, you have to remove the space.
by bt March 16, 2004
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A very very small tube steak. opposite of schlong.
HAHAHAHA, Jimmy-Bob-Joe just got pantsed and we all saw his little schlort.
by bt February 27, 2003
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Used as an epresion of uselessness.
Goddamn It John, your wife gives some killer cone, other than that shes as useless as tits on a bull fuck.
by bt February 27, 2003
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