41 definitions by bt

What a fag calls his fag lovers chute.
I got poop on my chode when I yanked it out of his manhole and started to felch him.
by bt February 20, 2003
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1. Occurs when the ass cheek buns rub together causing severe friction burn to the inner bum region. Usually occurs when crack is sweating and dries up very fast. A red burning sensation is felt.

2. Occurs when the ball bag rubs gainst the inner thigh causing the same red burning sensation mentioned above.

NOTE: Never put GoldBond powder on a chafed area. This will cause intense burning and make you what to rip your balls off.
I was fucking running hard from the cops last night but I got so chafed I had to run bow-legged and they caught me. SHHHIET!
by bt February 21, 2003
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Beautiful caring young lady, who really loves God. Is a beautiful person inside and out, has a very sincer discreet way of showing she cares for you. Lashonda loves to laugh. You don't want to risk loosing her she is somewhat a waterfall in a dessert, so she is someone who can definitely be there to give u that needed word of encouragement during the most trying times.
Lashonda is nice.
by bt July 6, 2012
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Jim told me that, your moms cock tasted the opposite of twatalicious.
by bt March 5, 2003
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unable to read and write. basically a fucking idiot who has the approximate education levelof a grade 2 english student if not worse.
99.9% of the people who post stuff on this site are illiterate.
by bt February 28, 2003
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The way my grandmother says stupid when she is not wearing her false teeth.
<Grandma> BobbyT.com why the fuck are you alwayt atting to too-pid?
by bt February 21, 2003
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The act of trying to wake your partner up in the middle of the night for sex. When she doesnt wake up, you ass blast her any who.
My fucking wife wouldnt wake up last night so I had to nudge her and fudge her. When I was done I realized she was dead.
by bt February 27, 2003
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