34 definitions by browngirlsdonttakebs

Where everybody acts like an even bigger idiot then they do before they go to college.

I'm in High school ...and I kinda agree.
Johnny: Look I'm flipping off the camera and the class picture,that was way long ago back in 06' God I'm idiot

Peter: Everyone in high school's an idiot.

Me: I kinda agree.
by browngirlsdonttakebs January 16, 2009
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Ok why don't I just say, when you don't look or act like an asshole.
Johnny: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Until my ex started looking like an asshole etc..... Holy shit for seral.
by browngirlsdonttakebs January 16, 2009
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Ok why don't I say, when you don't look or act like an asshole.
Johnny: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Until my ex started looking like an asshole etc..... for seral.
by browngirlsdonttakebs January 16, 2009
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Other then these stupid definitions here whatever they mean, Helen Kellen was a woman who was blind and deaf since she was nineteen months of age which could have started by some kind of Scarlett fever. Annie Sullivan was the teacher to brake through her isolation, like in the movie the miracle worker which is based on her true story. She campaigned for woman's suffrage,workers' rights, and socialism. Was born June 27 1880 and lived to June 1st 1986.

Helen Keller was a great historical person and she was really blind and deaf and achieved a lot through out her life.
by browngirlsdonttakebs January 23, 2009
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Other then these stupid definitions here whatever the hell they mean, Helen Kellen was a woman who was blind and deaf since she was nineteen months of age which could have started by some kind of Scarlett fever. Annie Sullivan was the teacher to brake through her isolation, like in the movie the miracle worker which is based on her true story. She campaigned for woman's suffrage,workers' rights, and socialism. Was born June 27 1880 and lived to June 1st 1986.

Helen Keller was a great historical person and she was really blind and deaf and achieved a lot through out her life.
by browngirlsdonttakebs January 23, 2009
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What we waste spending time on here looking up random things like Britney spears, and the definition of homosexuality.
Just look at the clock and see what time it is Johnny.
by browngirlsdonttakebs January 15, 2009
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What the vast majority of people on here are thinking about just looking at the word. When are morons and are probably 12 years old, and when there parents are gone, thinking they're doing something bad.
Hey guess what Johnny

What Greg?

Lets look up sex

OMG what? No!Way!I wanna play Kingdom Hearts!:C

No man come on its sex!

Oh my God it's sex whoa Johnny! hahaha for seral.

by browngirlsdonttakebs May 23, 2008
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