41 definitions by brooke

something that you smoke to get high and forget what u did the last night
i saw jake pj and brooke smoking the weed yesturday...hahahahahahahareally
by brooke March 30, 2003
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Kurt Cobain, The lead singer of Nirvana. Kurts music changed the music industry in a way that is still evident today. He influences so many people with his amazing music and lyrics. The world was blessed with his talent and presence until april 5th, 1994, when he supposedly committed suicide. now i could ramble on for hours on all of the evidence that makes it CLEAR that he didnt committ suicide but ill just skip that and say that kurts true fans already know all of that and know in their hearts that he didnt kill himself but was killed by courtney love. nobody is ever going to forget Kurt. his music will keep him alive as it touches people each and every day. The world was a better place when you were with us, Kurt. RIP.
Nirvana- the greatest grunge/rock band of all time
by brooke April 17, 2005
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A girl jewish youth group chapter in BBYO.
LHA is the best!
I wanna join LHA!
by brooke July 15, 2004
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He played a symphony about llamas on hi kazoo.
by brooke March 1, 2005
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A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.
"Mr knightly opened the door for Emma to pass through first, so that she would not simply walk into it."
by brooke March 21, 2005
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someone who keeps coming to the hospital and they dont die but the doctors wish that they would
Doctor #1: "Omg here comes that gomer again"...*sigh*
Doctor #2 : "Jesus christ why wont he just fking die?!?!?!"
by brooke November 21, 2003
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"SNOID, fool, SNOID!"
by brooke October 5, 2003
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