20 definitions by brentionary

A person who does not believe in a scat. Most of these may be classified under the following definitions:

1) Aggressive scatheist: attacks other people with scat. Often brings up the insensitive and ignorant fact that scat is merely refuse from the body and therefore is useless; ignoring the fact that it can be used for fertilizer, to fuel fires and even baked in rotating kilns (such as at a plant managed by the Mass Water Resources Authority in Boston) to kill germs and make pellets that are manufactured into organic lawn fertilizers. Aggressive scatheists are often relentlessly violent with their scat (throwing, smearing, smothering and fornicating are the preferred actions of agressive scatheists).

2) Passive/tolerant scatheist: does not believe in scat but accepts that others do. Does not usually bring up the fact unless attacked for being an scatheist.

Jake: "April, you're full of shit!"

April: "Actually, I'm not, you see I'm an agressive scatheist and I tend to empty my bowels every morning for a ritualistic fornication practice with my scat. It's a messy job but someone's got to do it!"
by brentionary March 27, 2009
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An awkard situation that surrounds the conversation of a cock.
Nat grabs Brent in the nether regions.

Reid in an unrelated response shouts "Me too" referring to wanting coffee directly following the previous grab.

Brent turns to Reid and says "You want to grab my cock too? That's cockward!"
by brentionary January 26, 2011
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A victim of the dick; typically caused by a dick that is too large or too small.
1. "Damn girl, I can barely walk today, I was a dictim of a guy that had a 12" cock. He ripped me a new hole!"
2. "Shut up ho! You're lucky! I was a dictim as well but only because I couldn't even feel the guy's dick enter me, it was 3" long and 2" of it was foreskin!"
by brentionary March 18, 2009
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The ability for a person to provide handjobs of similar quality regardless of the hand that they use.
Unfortunately Chantale broke her writing hand in a car accident. Luckily for her boyfriend Jeff, she is ambidickstrious and is able to perform handjobs of similar quality with either hand. Had Jeff been the one to have broken his writing hand, he would have had to suffer the consequences of being unable to masturbate effectively for several months.
by brentionary August 6, 2013
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The act of typing text into Microsoft Word
"These scribblings are difficult to understand, how do you expect me to Wordify this?"
by brentionary March 18, 2009
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A catastrophe involving feces; often times explosive and messy. Typically but does not necessarily happen during a sexual act.
I was fucking her hard in the ass and when I came hard I clearly pulled out too quickly, there was a heaping warm scatastrophe all over my bed!
by brentionary March 18, 2009
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The act of a twat taking a piddle (more commonly referred to as a female urinating)
"I couldn't hold it anymore! We stopped the car so I could twittle!"
by brentionary March 18, 2009
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