42 definitions by brent

When a man takes a hockey stick and places it in his own anus, in order to recieve pleasure.
Jim took his hockey stick and stuck it up his ass.
by brent March 12, 2005
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Things Girls Put In Their Cunts To Prevent Farting
Fucking Bitch Didn't Remove her Dueshbag Before I Fucked her
by brent April 1, 2005
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"Sum ends" meaning, lend me some money.
Yo, homie. gimme sum ends. Ill hit ya back on the first my brotha. "Hey, my friend. Lend me some money. I'll give it back on my first paycheck"
by brent September 14, 2003
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(n) A substance found in the human body that determines how close one is to becoming Jesus.
by brent February 17, 2004
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A name used commonly to point out someone in general when you can't remember their fucking first name.
"Hey Brooke, why are you still with Thugbert anyway? He's just a horny little goatfucker."
by brent February 1, 2005
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noun: Belongs to the same general family as the common Internet troll, poseur, forum whore, etc. Infrequently used as verb ("board warrioring").

1. Someone on a message board dedicated to a certain activity who spends almost all of his/her time posting on the board and very little of it (if any) actually participating in the activity in question.

2. Someone on a message board dedicated to a certain activity that would rather get on the board and argue with other people about who is better at the activity than actually do the activity and find out.

Board warriors are most commonly associated with computer game forums.
<rasputin> haa anyone ever seen sirbruce logged in?
<boog> Hell no, he's a total board warrior
by brent August 31, 2004
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