348 definitions by bread infection

the part between trousers and a belt
When you put on your mobile phone holder, just attach it beltween
by bread infection October 22, 2005
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a Mexican with bad facial hair who wants to fit in with African Americans by hanging out with hot sauce.
Brian Holmes is a spugget.
by bread infection November 22, 2009
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My DOC is the Super 5000 with Elongating action.
by bread infection October 9, 2005
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a word that you interject anytime that you don't know what word to use, but want to make it sound like you're smart.
I listened to that speech on nuclear physics, but the guys whole theory seemed like a straw dog compared to other theorys.
by bread infection January 2, 2006
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a knife used to cut families.
I'm gonna cut your family, with a big snife!
by bread infection November 23, 2009
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blowjob; one of the few things some girls are good for; oral sex given from a girl to a guy. Girls should not use this word when describing a guy giving oral sex to them or a girl giving oral sex to them, it sounds horrible.
Sharon Turner gives lousy head. Good thing she takes it up the ass.
by bread infection November 8, 2005
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