20 definitions by bostoncasey

Erin: Is cereal considered soup?
Casey: In my eyes, it's cold soup!
by bostoncasey September 14, 2019
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shraug: when your penis is so small you can push it inside of your foreskin
Casey: dude, did you get coke dick or what
Sean: yeah man, i could Shraug that shit inside myself!!
by bostoncasey May 24, 2020
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A poor strategy, an unwise move, or a dangerous maneuver.
Sharon told Dave she was on birth control, so that he wouldn't use a condom. Dave decided not to pull out and now Sharon is pregnant. It was a fool's gambit.
by bostoncasey December 17, 2016
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Casey"Good thing my girlfriend has a nice car, I can use that when my car shits the fan."
Alex: "Yeah but what if your relationship shits the fan"?
by bostoncasey August 21, 2018
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A person (usually named Todd) who often pulls Shenanigans, wins at Jack Box games, and throws bomb parties. He also has biceps that compare to Superman, Batman, and most fictional characters that have "man" at the end of their name.
Toddlybumbum made these great virgin hot toddies, but he tricked me and now I'm drunk. Classic Toddlybumbum!
by bostoncasey April 3, 2019
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Casey: You're cute.
Erin: Do you mean like puppy cute? Or frick frack tickety tack, take off your panties?
by bostoncasey March 1, 2016
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Getting less than what one wants, is still better than getting none at all.
Casey: How did work go?
Cooper: Unfortunately they cut me early, so I only get paid for half a day.
Casey: Well, half a loaf is better than none.
by bostoncasey October 1, 2018
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