9 definitions by borstalbreakout

the most pointless word ever devised, because anyone who accuses someone else of being a "preppie" has about a 98% chance of being the bigger prep themselves
faggy goth kid who just paid 65 dollars for hot topic jeans that will fall apart in a month: hey, look at the preppie, he just bought clothes from american eagle!
person who shopped at american eagle: what? i'm a prep for spending 10 dollars on pants at american eagle, but if you pay 20 dollars for an anarchy shirt from hot topic (one that was made by kids in a sweatshops, way to fight for the cause) you're somehow not a "preppie?"
by borstalbreakout October 16, 2006
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dell is where you buy a piece of shit computer for next to nothing, and then spend at least 4 times as much as you did on the computer adding enough things to actually make it usable. after that, you get to spend two days getting rid of all the spyware and worthless programs they bundle with it.
that guy was right... you have to spend 3,000 dollars to get a dell to work like they say...
by borstalbreakout November 27, 2006
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a cut-and-paste comedian who is only still in business because dave chappele won't go back to comedy central. he attempts to make his fans believe he is edgy and controversial when in fact nobody is offended by him unless its because hes the sorriest excuse for a comedian ever. has the audacity to nickname himself "the punisher" and talk about how i live under a rock because i dont enjoy his show.
carlos mencia may be the biggest dee dee dee i ever saw
by borstalbreakout August 29, 2006
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Anarchism is possibly the most misunderstood political philosophy ever.

Anarchy can work, and HAS worked, but right now probably wouldn't work with the state the world is in right now (drugs, gangs, civil wars, etc.)

Anarchy is not chaos, as laws are uneccessary anyway, even when there is a government to enforce them. As Ammon Hennacy said, "Oh, judge, your damn laws, the good people don't need them and the bad people don't follow them, so what good are they?" Like I said before, if anarchy were to happen right now chaos would probably ensue, but this largely due to how fucked up our governments have let the world become.

Government is an unneccessary evil. The idea that people should be bound by agreements their ancestors made is absurd. I believe I am better fit to run my own life that George Bush is.

If you ever see anny dumbass in an anarchy shirt from hot topic, scribbling it in textbooks at school, I want you to ask them to explain anarchy to you. Chances are they have no fucking clue as to what they're talking about and will tell you that they want chaos so that they can blow things up and drink. Punch them in the face for me.

Anarchy would be a very bad idea to try right now. In times like these anarchism is better left as an ideal for people who do get it. It's not something worth arguing about over the internet, because anarchy is not going to happen on a large enough scale to matter in anyone's lifetime who is alive today, and if there was anarchy, there probably wouldn't be an internet for very long ;).
All my teachers want to tell me how bad an idea anarchy would be, when I already know that. They need to tell that to the idiots who listen to sexist and homophobic music such as Insane Clown Posse and wear anarchy shirts they bought from Hot Topic.
by borstalbreakout December 1, 2006
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despite what you hear, a pretty decent operating system (although its probably not worth 200 dollars...). It works fine, its very n00b friendly, and all it takes to install a program is a double click. yes, it crashes (of course windows me crashes a lot more...). so does linux, mac, freebsd, solaris... all operating systems crash. People who complain about it crashing are people who try to tinker with it. windows isnt made for tinkering, otherwise it would be open source. you wanna mess with stuff get gentoo freebsd. i've leave my windows machine on for months and it works just as fine as my notebook with linux on it. if windows were as bad as linux zealots said then it wouldnt be able to be sold for 200 bucks.
almost anything you do in any operating system an be done in any other operating system. just get the one you think has the prettiest gui.

example must include the term microsoft windows
by borstalbreakout September 22, 2006
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an overrated web browser that somehow got every other site on the internet to try to force it on people
by borstalbreakout October 9, 2006
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an offshoot of the early british oi! scene pioneered by bands like cock sparrer and the 4-skins. some of the early streetpunk bands included the varukers, vice squad, blitz, the exploited, and the business. most present streetpunk bands such as union 13, the unseen, the krum bums, resilence, and the devotchkas have taken on a more aggresive style of streetpunk, but some bands like the street brats, the lancasters, and antidote (the one from holland, not new york) still play the more traditional style of it. it has widely become a laughing matter in most punk circles because most of its most outspoken bands (the casualties, cheap sex, and about 90% of the other bands on punkcore records) sing about nothing more than how drunk they can get, how punk they are, how much they hate emo and how spiky their hair is.
streetpunk is a great genre if you know what bands to listen to
by borstalbreakout September 12, 2006
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