3 definitions by boomhare

Why we can't have nice things (Also known as this is the reason why we can't have nice things) is an expression used to show anger or disappointment over an object or action.
Person 1: *posts long, extremely sexual post about Children's show on internet.
Person 2: *reads over shoulder as Person 1 types post.
Person 2: This is why we can't have nice things!
by boomhare January 2, 2016
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A place where no human would ever want to go. All the positive definitions, they've all been brainwashed. I went to Catholic school for 3/8 years, and I lost my mind. Everyone there is a rich, exclusive snob, and they only like you if you're good at sports, and even if you are, the still will sometimes ignore you. The students there are whores, and if your don't believe that, they're jerks. The education there is terrible, too. I didn't learn much of anything for 3 years. Most of the 6th graders didn't even know how to simplify fractions. I begged to move to a public school, and when I did, I was amazed at how friendly the people were, how the teachers were smarter and better, and how I actually had friends. Catholic school drove me insane. I hear/heard voices in my head, (Steven says hi btw), I was made fun of, I had no friends, and it just sucked. Please, if you're thinking of sending someone you love to Catholic school, don't. Don't even send someone you hate there, they probably don't deserve it. Take it from me, a survivor of Catholic school.
You can use the term "like a Catholic school" to describe place you don't like.
by boomhare January 2, 2016
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A movie/show/YouTube video involving animals that may inspire followers of the furry fandom to attend screenings of it. An example of a furry flick coming out soon would be Zootopia.
Person 1: That movie, Zootopia, looks like a good, fun movie!
Person 2: Why would you want to spend time and money on that furry flick?
Person 4721: *breathes heavily*
by boomhare January 2, 2016
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