12 definitions by bog

to gays, any male is queerbait.
The creepy gay guy was checking out every dude who crossed his path thinking
queer bait!Great!
by bog January 12, 2003
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chicks who think being skinny is hot.
clearly delusional and are afraid to be
real women and grow breast and ass.
DAT' waif so skinny being all flat and
no bootie is making me nauseaous.
by bog January 12, 2003
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Tech support for Jucaushii.ro
<teh_yosh> yes u are stfu :D
<dominion> yeah Skee, u are
<Skee> die
<I-R-BoG> Skee = J.ro tech support
by bog April 6, 2005
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A bootie so juicey looking it reminds
you of a plum
That chick had a plum rump worth nutting
by bog January 12, 2003
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What a man does to a girls bootie when
he slams he nuts on her ass so much
his testicles feel like he shot out a
gallon of sperm in a second.
I ball busted on my chick and damn it
was good
by bog January 12, 2003
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A person who likes to perform oral sex
on a woman.
THAT dude a carpet muncher cause he
be eating pussy all day.
by bog January 12, 2003
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A dude who likes bootie so much that
he stares at it like he is hypnotised.
He then chases girls till he gets all
the booty he can slam his balls on.
I'm a bootie chaser cause I like booty
and drool at the sight of booty.
by bog January 12, 2003
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