20 definitions by bobertdude

a big bowl of warm ketchup. yum!
i love my grandma, but i hated it when she made me eat tomato soup.
by bobertdude June 30, 2008
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at the end of a long hard day of hiking through the rainforest and wading through the amazon i took off my shoes and realized i had a particularly awful case of pedomalodoritis.
by bobertdude April 19, 2011
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the most despised flavor of any candy
every time i buy a bag of skittles, half of the stuff inside is grape flavor......

by bobertdude February 3, 2008
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if you met my mother you'd think spaniards to be the crassest, meanest people in the world. if you met me you'd think spaniards were the coolest people ever.

one common misconception of people from spain is that they look like mexicans.
"Spaniard" is not pronounced "Spain-yerd".
by bobertdude January 27, 2009
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Really hairy nipples. They don't necessarily have to be afro-like, but it's just sounds funnier like that.
It really hurts when you get a titty-twister and you have afro nipples.
by bobertdude May 22, 2007
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weed crumbs. some dealers try to sell it by calling it "pre-grinded", but don't fall for that bullshit. buying shake is like buying a bag of dorrito crumbs. wouldn't you prefer regular dorritos?
shake sucks because it's usually dry and flakey. buy healthy nugs.
by bobertdude December 18, 2009
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