45 definitions by bluebear

trumpsucker one who sucks up to donald trump no matter what he does and gives him praise for everything he has done
my old buddy is a trumpsucker he praises donald trump for everything he does
by bluebear April 8, 2021
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cussing like a sailor having a potty mouth to cuss excessively
my ex girlfriend was cussing like a sailor when i broke up with her
by bluebear January 4, 2021
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asswipe known as toilet paper you use to wipe your ass or to blow your nose when you run out of facial tissues
because of the coronavirus asswipe is hard to get these days
by bluebear April 8, 2020
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son of a motherlover a non vulgar less offensive form of son of a bitch when calling someone a son of a bitch is inappropriate or unwanted
i told my neighbor not turn his dogs loose in my yard to do their business that son of a motherlover did it any way what a son of a motherlover
by bluebear September 14, 2021
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complete dick one who is a complete asshole does spiteful acts has little respect or empathy for other people
my classmate is a complete dick does spiteful acts has little respect and empathy for other people

my neighbor is a complete dick has no respect and empathy for other people
by bluebear December 3, 2022
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big dick doctor a doctor who is usually male with a big ego and likes to treat patients like they know nothing or is uncaring about their patients concerns
i saw my doctor today he blowed me off as i did not know nothing or could care less about my concerns what flipping big dick doctor
by bluebear May 24, 2020
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swirly pushing someones head in a toilet and flushing it
the school bully gave his victim a swirly pushing his head in the toilet and flushing the toilet on his victims head this morning what a site it was everyone laughing when it happened
by bluebear September 3, 2022
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