13 definitions by black

A slur used in America concerining persons of Arabian descent.
Osama Bin Laden is a major dune coon.
by black March 2, 2005
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what every teenager wants to do with his mom again
boy:please mom just this time
mom:no my breast's are hurting now
by black March 9, 2005
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Beautiful and Graceful, with a nice smile ;)
that gurl is sooo fenny!
by black June 25, 2004
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a cOoL and interesting girl who doesnt eat carrots and has a great sense of humor
fethat girl is such a fenny!
by black June 23, 2004
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The effect of watching one of your crackwhore friends macking on every douchebag in the club.
combination of 'shudders' and 'hag'
I could smell her crotch from the table over, but the guys didn't seem to mind.
by black February 23, 2004
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1. An attractive couple that have money, fame and beauty yet are still universally hated by everyone.


1. A horrible combination that may ultimately bring about the apocalypse.
2. Combination of two things that seperately suck but when put together can achieve a level of sucking not understood by physics.
I got suckered into watching that bennifer movie and I started bleeding from the ears and eyes, which was a relief as then I couldn't see or hear the damn movie.
by black August 1, 2003
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