66 definitions by billy bob

when a man cums into a females mouth and then she spits it into the mans mouth
they went out and were snowballing for hours
by billy bob May 14, 2003
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origin: Lauren Burr is a girl from the Jersey Shore that as the finest ass I have ever seen.

1)refers to a perfectly sized and shaped ass with perfect firmness, especially one a woman you could never get
Man! That Lauren has a perfect ass!
-Yeah, but she's a huge bitch. That ass is a Burr.
by billy bob December 15, 2004
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A person of weak tender, not one associated with macho tendencies.
bucnh of slack jawed faggots around here, this stuff'll make you a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me.
by billy bob April 15, 2003
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"Eeg me ho"

Coming from the the phrase Oh My God, of which was shortened to OMG.

OMG spelt in phonetics, oh em gee - of which is reversed to produce EEG ME HO!

Basicly a skit of OMG, used for scacastic states of shock.
Dude1:I just blocked my toilet!
Dude2: EEG ME HO, how cool is that...
Dude1: Yup
by billy bob May 20, 2004
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A definition from a Maine native: Don't spit on this here state. If yall be unhappy living here you can leave. I'm gonna take my lifted chevy here and drive it up on your lawn along with my brother, who also happens to be my cousin, and we'll pull out our double barrel shotguns and we'll feed you to my boxer named Moose. Crim yeah!
by billy bob March 15, 2005
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A short girl that smells like cabbage.
Its a bird, its a plane, its a Nethery.
by billy bob September 7, 2004
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