67 definitions by bill the cat

A woman who's husband is out at sea and thus available for hanky panky.
Have you ever gotten blown by a sailor's wife?
by bill the cat May 13, 2008
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The practice of framing gringos and tourists for crimes committed by the locals.
Mexican justice never blames the locals as it will scare away tourists. Thus the blame is put on the tourists who rented the hotel room next door to the murder.
by bill the cat May 9, 2008
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To run away from battle.
When they got whupped by the Norwegian army the soldiers took the swedish exit.
by bill the cat April 30, 2008
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The lowest job in most organizations and is usually assigned to a newbie or someone so useless nobody knows what to do with. Mentioned several times in King of the Hill and at Strickland Propane the job was to wipe the propane tanks to prevent the sun from heating them up. But still not demeaning as a butt wipe.
The boss' girlfriend was just sitting around doing her nails so we assigned her as a tank wipe .
by bill the cat May 21, 2008
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A fictional drink immortalized in a Flintsones episode. To drink it shows that you're really tough.
Bartender, I'll have rocks over rocks in a dirty glass.
by bill the cat May 13, 2008
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In the German Nazi SS an Obergruppenführer was a high ranking general. It also translates from German to mean "upper group leader". In general an orbergruppenführer is a despot boss who makes peoples' lives miserable.
The obergruppenführer boss at work made everybody work over the weekend.
by bill the cat April 30, 2008
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