55 definitions by bigmeuprudeboy

a phrase used to describe the young upwardly mobile media 20 somethings that swarm around London districts such as Hoxton, Notting Hill and Clapham.
Usually extremely posh these people migrate in the hundreds from the home counties and proceed to either live off mummy and daddy or get a job in TV or Magazines.
Very easy to stare out and beat up.
from a character from Zeppotron.com
by bigmeuprudeboy September 10, 2003
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probably the best hardcore band ever
its two members look like apple farmers from connecticut but fuck me do they rock. try 'the day everything became nothing'or 'dead souls'
by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003
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According to a 2003 NCIS report

75% of the 300 most wanted men in the UK were 'white middle aged men from the south east' in other words cockney gangsters or the 'English Mafia'
by bigmeuprudeboy September 12, 2003
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a bizarre 80' cartoon about a couple of schoolboy chimps.
Might have been cancelled due to alledged rascist undertones eg. the chimps tended to mug old ladies, listen to hip hop and wear gold chains.
was follwed on by the hilarious but short lived 'Coons go to wog town' in 1990
"bangers and mash, bangers and mash them chimps are imps there aint no doubt, bangers and mash, bangers and mash there aint no missing it they keep on monkeying about, bangers and mash bangers and mash all they want to do is have some fun!"
by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003
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a very expensive brand of Italian designer clothes marketed at very high earning, highly educated Europeans.
Actually mainly worn by British Football thugs as a status symbol
by bigmeuprudeboy September 11, 2003
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