2 definitions by bgm

An awesome rock band from the 70's/80's that most kids under the age of 20 have never even heard of. They were originally punk rock but changed their sound with the album "Dream Police".

A lot of crappy bands like NOFX and AFI have done covers of their songs.
Au revoir, auf wiedersehen
You won’t see another morning
You won’t see another evening
Good night
Buenos noches o senor
Senorita see ya later
Buenos noches bye-bye
There are many here among us
You feel that life is a joke
And for you we sing this final song
For you there is no hope
Sayonara oh suicide hari kari
Kamikaze you won’t
See another evening
Bye-bye so long, farewell
See you later....suicide
by bgm July 23, 2004
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A series of venerial diseases that exist as coinfections. While not particularly lethal, clamhydaherpacrabs can be a real downer for your sex life. Symptoms include cold sores, smelly discharge secreted by the genitals, and/or abrnormal genital itching. Many over the counter medications exist to treat clamhydaherpacrabs, but consult your doctor before beginning a new drug regimen. See also gonnosyphilaids
Yo that bitch just gave me clamhydaherpacrabs
by bgm January 18, 2004
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