8 definitions by berserker256

1. A gross euphmemism for penis.
The prisoner was overheard saying: "sucking cock ain't so bad. Just think of it as "stickpussy".
by berserker256 May 16, 2003
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Prison term: two pieces of white bread with mayonnaise smothered in between. The mayo sandwhich is then placed in the microwave to heat it up so it resembles a woman's vagina. It is then fucked.
When I got done with my hot pocket I gave it to mikey. He likes it! Hey Mikey!
by berserker256 May 18, 2003
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1. Byproduct of male masturbation
2. Semen
How the fuck did I get jacksauce in my hair?!
by berserker256 May 16, 2003
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That broad was nuts. She lifted up my seed pouch and licked at my shitshoot like a thirsty hound.
by berserker256 May 18, 2003
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adjective describing someone or something that has the qualities and/or characteristics of an asshole.
That priest gave a really assholic sermon today.

by berserker256 May 18, 2003
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