12 definitions by bender

one who has become 'touched' by the planes (whether they originate from elsewhere in the multiverse or not).

(ref. 'plane-touched')
"Jim Rose sure has a planar army featured at his sideshows!"
by bender November 19, 2002
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a delectable, young and tender POA, usually of asian descent, with a weight rarely exceeding 110 ellbeez.
dam, imagine the things that could be done with that little morsel!

i bet that morsel tastes like honey
by bender May 5, 2004
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Scraped knee suffered by one who takes a spill on a sports field topped with fake grass.
I got a turf burn playing Ultimate Frisbee but I made the catch so it was worth it.
by bender March 17, 2005
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A midgit
A crying mofo
An idiot
1. yor so small u celeztial
2. the cleztial was so loud wen he was told he was a midgit
3. yor a celeztial, far out how cud u get that question wrong
by bender August 18, 2004
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to SLOwly fall into the VACuum of space.
Nobody even realizes our country exists anymore..
by bender February 22, 2003
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one who has become 'touched' by the planes (whether they originate from elsewhere in the multiverse or not).

(ref. 'touched')
"Some think that Einstein was plane-touched, and thus the reason for his extraordinary talents."
by bender November 19, 2002
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overly and oddly huge; something of an enourmous size
by bender October 19, 2003
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