9 definitions by bemorechadlike

Nickname for the poorly executed US retreat from Afghanistan, which cucked over our civilian allies and helpers in the region.
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan shall henceforth be known as “Operation Thundercuck.”
by bemorechadlike August 17, 2021
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One who is astoundingly and grievously cucked, to the nth degree. Often used to refer to someone who is spineless, beta, butthurt, or easily triggered.
Quit whining about trolls and stop being such a thundercuck.
by bemorechadlike March 4, 2017
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When you're in the middle of a discussion and you make a point, and the other person starts rattling off straw men versions of your comment and trying to make you defend the words they just put in your mouth, they are "Cathy Newmaning" you. Named after an infamous debate between Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman.
Alex: Apples are different than oranges

Brenda: So you're saying apples are superior to oranges. So you're saying oranges should be treated less well than apples. So you're saying we should stop growing oranges and only grow apples from now on. So you're saying it's OK to burn orange trees because they are a blight on the environment. So you're saying....

Alex: Lol, damn I ain't say none a that shit, quit Cathy Newmaning me
by bemorechadlike June 28, 2020
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1. The opposite of an alpha male (an "A" male); a male who earns a grade of "F" (or "phi" in Greek) on the manliness scale.

2. A woman; a female.
The ancient Greeks rated a man's worth very similar to grades in school. The most noble and respected men were grade-A - "alpha males" - and the remaining levels of mankind were grade-B or "betas", grade-C or "chis", grade-D or "deltas", and the lowest grade was "phi"--an F. Naturally, in that era, women were ranked all the way at the bottom, with the very lowest of the low. And to this day, women are still referred to as "phi males" :D
by bemorechadlike September 1, 2021
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There’s aunts and there’s uncles. And then there’s runcles—rapist uncles.
I grew up with a runcle 😔
by bemorechadlike March 8, 2021
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An uncle who majors in nonconsensual sex and minors in child molestation.
“It feels just like pooping in reverse,” my runcle told me as he slipped it in.


“Let’s play the rape game,” my runcle said.
“But I don’t want to!”
“That’s the spirit,” my uncle grinned 😔
by bemorechadlike March 8, 2021
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Neil got so rump riled when the cafeteria had no vegan food lol.
by bemorechadlike March 4, 2017
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