5 definitions by beerman

Bland Flavorless alcohol delivery unit that sells because people are too scared to try real beers like Pilsner Urquell or Sierra Nevada Pale Ale .
Don't tell me how good my beer is. I know how good my beer is, because I'm the one who buys it. When Bonnie goes to the store to buy beer, she buys Coors Light, okay? When I drink a beer, I want to taste it.
by beerman September 22, 2003
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VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy VeRy DrUnK!
Man, i'm so shitfaced right now i just drank 14 beers.
by beerman June 4, 2003
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1. A style of skiing (mainly practiced by hippies) that involves half a binding, half a brain, and a whole lot of balls. Well suited for powder and backcountry access.

2. a place in Norway
I’m a pot smokin’, tree hugin’, telemarkin’ hippie
Telemark: drop knees not bombs

by beerman January 22, 2006
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Flavorless alcohol delivery product that people think is good for them because their television and radio told them so.
I saw a man walk out of the grocery store with three bags of chips, five loaves of bread, and two cases of Michelob Ultra. He's watching his carb intake, you know.
by beerman September 22, 2003
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1. Bland, flavorless alcohol delivery system that sells because of advertising. See also Zima , Wonder Bread , and Hamburger Helper
Don't tell me how good my beer is, okay? I know how good my beer is, because I'm the one who buys it, okay? When Bonnie goes to the store to buy beer, she buys Budweiser. When I drink my beer I want to taste it.
by beerman September 22, 2003
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