50 definitions by baz

A brick that is made from shit

An action apparantly done when scared

i coulnd't find any clay so i used my own shit to make bricks

I was shitting bricks when i visted the clinic
by baz August 10, 2004
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walking in a fashion where your knee reaches your chest and then the leg extends out from there to hit the ground and so on. Like John cleese in the famous silly walks sketch.
look at 'im bruv! 'ees walking all plockity like!
by baz January 20, 2005
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smack, used in macc in gravy. thats why everyones addicted to fucking chips and gravy :)
man i need some scag chips
by baz June 21, 2004
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1. The result produced when a cunt is smashed by a flying headbut.
2. derogotory term used to describe a slut or fuckhead.
Has it's origins from busted up weekends.
1. Looks like she's been kicked in her scrunt guts.
2. I am scrunt munted!
by baz April 22, 2004
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The contents of the kick tin after you have shaken the shit out of a kings cross scrunt munter.
Glad I wasn't the firey that had to clean up that trap full of moot soot.
by baz July 18, 2004
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a stunning girl who usually knows everything about everything. might be a bit mad but in a good way.
i'm dating a girl called Sini.
by baz March 25, 2003
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some good skunk
that skunk is CHOONG!
by baz February 19, 2004
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